Strengthening machinery empowers people to increase yields, and conservation farming increases income stably.

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In order to further implement the national black soil protection policy and continuously enrich and enhance the new understanding of farmland health theory and practice, by focusing on breakthroughs in the core technology of full-process mechanization of conservation tillage, we will accelerate the research, exchange, demonstration and implementation of yield-increasing conservation tillage technology in Northeast China. Promotion, the Chinese Soil Society, the National Key Laboratory of Black Soil Protection and Utilization, the National Conservation Tillage Research Institute of China Agricultural University, and the Conservation Tillage Professional Committee of the China Agricultural Mechanization Association jointly held a joint meeting in Qianguo County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province on April 11 The “Yield-Enhancing Fully Mechanized Conservation Farming Technology Training Course and Farmland Health Seminar” was held.
At the demonstration site of the high-performance no-till seeder, Professor Li Hongwen, Dean of the National Conservation Tillage Research Institute of China Agricultural University, Director of the Conservation Tillage Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Chief Expert of Conservation Tillage, visited the Jilin Kangda Agricultural Machinery Exhibition Area to watch the operation of the equipment. situation, check the sowing quality, review the operation results and provide specific guidance. Ai Gang, manager of Kangda Agricultural Machinery Sales Department, spoke about Kangda's high-performance no-tillage

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